Replace brick filled heaters with Intelligent Electric Heating.
Replace your out of date brick-filled storage heaters with ultra modern, wi-fi electric heating that use a Thermodynamic fluid to heat them in minutes. They reach their optimum desired temperature in every single room using up to 30% less electricity to achieve it.
Managing the housing stock for a Local Authority or Housing Association is no easy task when you have ‘Rolls Royce’ aims to comply with the Eco-design Lot 20 requirements with only a ‘Mini Metro’ budget to achieve it.
There is now an intelligent electric heating solution that can tick all your boxes while giving tenants a system so efficient that their heating bills will be reduced – saving lives and keeping many more tenants warm this winter.
Save Thousands on Installation Costs
Our radiators are easy to install, reducing the effort and cost required having them fitted.
Wifi radiators system can be fitted by a single installer, typically within half a day. This is a huge labour saving compared to the three or four days it might take for traditional systems.
Just fit 2 brackets to the wall for every radiator and then hang the radiator and plug into a normal socket – that’s it!
For example, replacing thirty properties with uncontrollable, outdated storage heaters takes four installers 100 working days and replacing them with our system takes just one fitter, twelve days.
It’s easy to see just how much money can be saved!
Reducing Energy Bills for the Tenants
Every tenant can precisely control the temperature in each room. The bathroom can be 24.3 degrees and the kitchen at 19.5 degrees; the lounge at 22.5 degrees and the bedrooms at 15.5 degrees.
Each radiator has its own SMART intelligent control allowing the unused rooms to be cooler, saving energy while the rooms you spend time in are nice and cosy.
Stay in Control
Our Intelligent Electric Heating has a cloud-based dashboard. It will show you exactly how much energy is being used on any day, in any room and at any minute.
You can report back to your Local Authority that the ‘Ladybird Estate’ has reduced its energy consumption by 27% this year and the tenant’s energy bills have all been reduced accordingly. All thanks to our efficient thermodynamic radiators, the reduced costs of installation and the individual room-by-room controls.
A full report from our My-Sense app
With our my-sense APP control dashboard, you can also see that each apartment heating system will detect an open window or door. This is detected by an immediate drop in temperature and will automatically turn off the heating, pottentially saving tenants hundreds of pounds in wasted energy.
You can overview and control up to 1,000 electric radiators with this system, saving the Authority thousands of pounds in replacement storage heaters with this Eco-design LOT 20 compliant system that is becoming the new industry standard across Europe.
The key advantages are:
- The Electric Heating will be operational only when necessary.
- The optimum comfort conditions are achieved when the spaces are occupied.
- The date and time can be managed remotely to operate your electric heating schedule.
- Ability to programme up to 1000 electric radiators and 100 Zones. (complying with key objectives of enhancing control of HVAC assets in hotel communal areas and guestrooms.)
- Facility to turn the electric radiators on or off or adjust the current temperature mode to your preference.
- Ability to set the exact temperature level (+/- 0.1 degrees) for comfort and economy mode in different rooms.
- Having a choice of heating priority for self-learning mode to adjust to your lifestyle.
- Smart ambient temperature sensor adjustment with automatic compensation.
- Warning alerts of an event directly delivered to your mobile device for prompt intervention.
- Provision of detailed energy consumption reporting, analyse to achieve performance optimisation.
How Does It Work?
The My-Sense App will send you a notification when it notices a possible energy saving.
For example, Mr. Jones has five radiators in five rooms and he always visits his sister on Thursdays. The App will pick up no movement in these rooms and will send him a note saying: “Hey, Mr. Jones your apartment is always empty from 10.11 am until 5.22 pm every Thursday, do you want me to turn off all his rads until 4.30pm every Thursday?.
All he need to do is hit the YES or NO button. The App does the rest and shuts off the radiators, pottentially saving Mr. Jones – and the Housing Association – wasted energy costs and giving him a lower electricity bill.
Oil & LPG do not compare
Existing Fossil Fuel heating systems just can’t compare with this technology. The Hive, Nest and Evo systems all require a control box to be installed for each zone at additional cost to the tenant or the Authority, often followed by a monthly charge.
But they can only turn the boiler on or off, leaving every radiator in the property on at the same time unless, of course, you invest in additional control boxes in every room. This will then cost more than the planned electricity savings.
With IntelliHeat you can monitor and control every smart radiator from the master dashboard that is connected securely to the cloud. The master dashboard connects directly to this secure cloud and can control every single radiator.
Nothing extra to install, no batteries to buy, no monthly charges and no control boxes to purchase. This is revolutionary!
Comply with latest ECO-Design LOT 20
The My-Sense system will give your Housing Association or Local Authority Housing Department complete compliance with all the ECO Design Lot 20 requirements, while saving thousands on your installation and maintenance budgets, keeping vulnerable occupants warm with lower energy bills.
To find out how much your Authority can save on its budget using the My-Sense Intelligent Heating and online Dashboard.
Efficient & Controllable Electric Heating
Over the past 18 years we have created a a large range of electric heating to suit all types of lifestyles. Through our extensive research and experience we have designed electric radiators suited to all different applications.
Order Electric Central Heating
If you’re ready to make the switch to electric central heating take a look at our full product range page, and get in touch with one of our Technical Advice expert to chat about the best electric heating range for your home.
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