What is the Government ECO Scheme, The affordable warmth obligation & How You can benefit

What is the Government ECO Scheme & How UK Households can benefit 

ECO is a UK Government Scheme to make residential properties much more energy efficient, thus saving the consumer money from using less energy; whether it is fossil fuel, or electricity.

It includes a broad range of  ‘obligations’ where energy suppliers are legally obliged to assist Low income households, vulnerable people, and residents in low income areas, to make use of specific energy-efficiency measures in their homes, electric heating, by way of a Grant, to allow them to buy and install the appliance.

What Does it Cover?
It includes a number of specific government programmes, such as:

  • The affordable warmth obligation,
  • The carbon saving obligation
  • The carbon saving communities obligation (This replaced the old Carbon Emission Reduction Target (Cert) and the Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) since December 2012.)

The Government Aims

Current Government estimates states that the programme will deliver £1.3 billion per year of energy efficiency and heating measures directly into vulnerable homes across Great Britain.

What does ECO funding cover?

ECO grant funding is available for energy-efficient measures where the savings on your electricity bill may not be greater than the cost of the installation, and where without the grant, homeowners would not be able to afford to purchase and install them.

Here are a few examples:  Solid Wall Insulation, Internal Wall Insulation and Cavity Wall Insulation, Loft Insulation, Replacement Central Heating Systems. All of these are eligible for an ECO grant.

There is of course a formula to find out whether you qualify for ECO, and this takes into account the energy efficiency needs of your property, the area where you live, and whether you are claiming any benefits. The Energy Saving Trust would be able to tell if you are eligible or not.

If you don’t have a central heating system or you have no residential gas supply, then an electric heating system would be a perfect alternative, saving you up to 30% on your old storage heating, or other heating methods.

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You can always give us a call for more details on this, and our website www.intelligentheat.co.uk has a live expert on hand during working hours, who can respond to any questions posted to us online.  We are here to Help. #electricheating #smartenergy #smart control