What is Eco Design Lot 20?
Which electric radiators are Ecodesign compliant?

Lot 20 is a new Eco-design legislation which comes into effect from the 1st of January 2018 and will mandate that all electric space heaters, electric radiators comply with a set of minimum efficiency guidelines, and use enhancing features.

This new legislation from the EU 2015/1188 is set to bring about the biggest shake up in electric space heating to-date. The 1st January 2018 heralds the largest upheaval the electric heating industry has experienced in decades, with new energy efficiency regulations coming into play that will likely change the landscape of available products and manufacturers. Lot 20 states that:

“All local space electric heaters manufactured for sale in the EU after 1st January 2018 which use electricity, or liquid fuels, must comply with a minimum efficiency standard. This includes electric radiators, electric under floor heating and electric and gas fires.”

What does this mean?

Essentially, Lot 20 demands that all electric space heaters sold after the 1st of January 2018 must incorporate intelligent room temperature controls to minimise wasted energy. Very basically… From 1st January 2018 all electric space heaters sold in the UK must meet a set of minimum efficiency standards, this means that at the very least all heaters will have to incorporate intelligent room temperature controls to minimise wasted energy and comply with Energy Related Products Regulations (ERP) (Energy-related Products)
Products within scope must meet a minimum 38% Energy Efficiency rating to comply.
To find out all you need to know about the new Eco-Design Directive and how INTELLI HEAT smart Radiators are fully compliant, please download our Eco-Design PDF below

What are intelligent electric heating controls?

Intelligent controls managing the running times of your electric heater will incorporate three key features:

  1. 24 hour or Timer Control. This could be an integrated programmer, or as with the latest Cali I-Sense, a Wifi connected internet based smartphone app controller.
  2. Thermostatic Control. Accurate room temperature measurement by an electronic digital thermostat.
  3. Smart Start Control. V27, Open door or window recognition, presence detection technology reduces wasted energy when a thermostat detects a drop in temperature, and the use of presence sensors to enable the heater to automate heating cycles.
Cali sense thermostat fully compliant with Ecodesign Legislation
Cali Sense Thermostat fully compliant with Lot 20 Ecodesign Legislation

How does it benefit me?

Effectively the integration of these technological features provides our customers with an average up to 30% saving on energy consumption as compared to old storage heater, panel heater or none intelligent control electric heaters.

The EU Commission and the UK government has recognised that the lack of efficient controls on electric heating has, for the past decade, been contributing to wasted energy and poor heating efficiency.

As such this directive provides a legal framework to force manufacturers of electric heating products to meet a series of efficiency requirements which IntelliHeat has been designing into its products for a number of years now.

Ecodesign Lot 20 Energy Label
Half of the energy used in our homes is used in the form of heat, as such this legislative change will ensure first, that you as a consumer benefit from the assurance that the electric radiators you purchase will deliver improved efficiency in your homes.

Secondly, carbon emission targets are improved across the UK by minimizing the amount of energy wasted through inefficient and poorly controlled domestic heating systems.

Which electric radiators are Ecodesign compliant?

Through our Cali range IntelliHeat have been pioneering the integration of Intelligent electric heating controls on direct-acting electric heating systems since 2010.

Indeed we have worked tirelessly to deliver an intelligent, highly efficient and fully controllable heating system to the UK market, and have promoted the EcoDesign legislations key drivers in each of our ranges since the Ecodesign Lot 20 legislation was approved in the EU parliament in August 2015.

All electric heaters start with the same initial value of 30%. This is a benchmark from which high efficiency, eco-friendly designed products can be distinguished from their basic heaters, according to the scores obtained under the product energy performance factors.

Lot 20 regulations:

The minimum energy efficiency ratio value that an electric heating system must reach is 38%. The first factor is based on the type of temperature control that the product has. Electric radiators with a simple mechanical control or without a control receive a value of 0%. Products with built-in temperature control and weekly timer, get a value increase of 7%.

The other factor is based on the benefits derived from special functions that specifically improve energy efficiency. Cali Sense and I-Sense incorporate built-in temperature control software with open window detection, presence detection, self-learning mode. They also include a remote My-sense APP control and an adaptable start-up V 27 control, all of which add a further 3% to the initial 30% value that all-electric heaters have.

The Cali Eco-Sense range which was designed specifically according to the key principles of the ErP (Energy-related Products) Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products Regulations 2018 provides users with integrated intelligent electric heating control functions which comply with, and indeed exceed, all the requirements of Lot 20, with a 41% Energy Efficiency rating :

cali-sense-intelli-heat-electric-radiators- open window feature
  • High accuracy temperature control is accurate to within +-0,1°
  • Adaptive temperature control and Eco start functionality
  • 24/7 programming functions, and integrated real-time energy consumption in each radiator
  • Smart Open Window Technology (detecting sudden drops in temperature to avoid energy wastage)
  • Presence detection (enabling automated programming for temperature control)
  • V27 technology self-programming (drawing on presence detection to calculate and apply most economical/comfortable programming for each users lifestyle)
  • Ergonomic digital thermostat design with additional alerts for visual/audible impaired users
  • Built-in Wifi to enable smartphone app-based remote control and monitoring system.

Percentage of Energy Saving Achieved with Ecodesign:

+7% for an electronic room temperature control plus week timer

+5% for an electronic room temperature control plus day timer

+3% for electronic room temperature control

+1% thermostat room temperature control

+3% for room temperature control with open window detection

+2% with distance control option (eg. Wi-Fi compatibility)

+1% with V27 adaptive start control

+13 with presence detection

The future is efficient, the future is Intelligent, the future is IntelliHeat

Intelli Heat and Ecodesign, pushing the electric heating industry towards compliance since 2003

The difference between IntelliHeat and the online shops is our passion, we are passionate about the products we deliver, and as such the expertise of our directors, our components suppliers and our product researchers is obvious in the quality of our products.
